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<h1><a class="pbTOC" name="DirectInstruction100EasyLessonsandFunnix"></a>Direct Instruction--100 Easy Lessons and Funnix</h1>
<p>Back to <a href="http://verbalbehavior.pbwiki.com/DI-TEACHING-CURRICULUM#TeachYourChildToReadin100EasyLessonsFunnix"><b>DI&nbsp;TEACHING&nbsp;CURRICULUM</b></a>
<p><div class="breakout"><p><a href="http://www.funnix.com/funnix/contents.cfm"><b>Funnix&nbsp;Beginning&nbsp;Reading</b></a> is a computer adaptation of</p><p><a href="http://tinyurl.com/39yf8g"><b>SRA&nbsp;DI&nbsp;Horizons&nbsp;Level&nbsp;A&nbsp;and&nbsp;B</b></a>.</p><p><a href="http://www.funnix.com/pdf_funnix_appendix/AppendixE.pdf"><b>Lesson&nbsp;equivalents</b></a> are listed in the Teacher's guide.</p></div>
<p><div class="breakout"><p><a href="http://www.funnix.com/funnix/funnix2.cfm"><b>Funnix&nbsp;2</b></a> is a computer adaptation of</p><p><a href="http://tinyurl.com/39yf8g"><b>SRA&nbsp;DI&nbsp;Horizons&nbsp;Level&nbsp;B&nbsp;and&nbsp;Journeys&nbsp;Level&nbsp;2</b></a>.</p><p><a href="http://www.funnix.com/pdf_funnix_appendix/AppendixF%20.pdf"><b>Lesson&nbsp;equivalents</b></a> are listed in the  Teacher's guide.</p><p>&nbsp;</p></div>
<p><a href="http://www.funnix.com/funnix/testing.cfm"><b>FUNNIX&nbsp;placement&nbsp;tests</b></a> for both programs.
<p><a href="http://tinyurl.com/39yf8g"><b>SRA&nbsp;reading&nbsp;programs</b></a>, including Horizons, Journeys.
<p><table style="background:transparent;border:none;margin:0;padding:0"><tr style="background:transparent;border:none;margin:0;padding"><td style="background:transparent;border:none;margin:0;padding"><div class="toc"><ol type="1"><li><a href="#DirectInstruction100EasyLessonsandFunnix">Direct Instruction--100 Easy Lessons and Funnix</a><ol type="a"><li><a href="#Transitioningfrom100EasyLessonstoFunnix">Transitioning from 100 Easy Lessons to Funnix</a></li><li><a href="#Supplementalwords">Supplemental words</a></li><li><a href="#TeacherPresentation">Teacher Presentation</a></li><li><a href="#Notes">Notes</a></li></ol></li></ol></li></div></td></tr></table><br clear="left" />
<h2><a class="pbTOC" name="Transitioningfrom100EasyLessonstoFunnix"></a>Transitioning from 100 Easy Lessons to Funnix</h2>
<p>Paraphrase of <a href="http://verbalbehavior.pbwiki.com/DI-LISTSER%20V"><b>DI-list</b></a> post, Owen Engelmann, 3/9/07
<p>"A lot of kids learn to read with <a href="http://www.startreading.com/"><b>Teach&nbsp;Your&nbsp;Child&nbsp;To&nbsp;Read&nbsp;in&nbsp;100&nbsp;Easy&nbsp;Lessons</b></a> but their parents 
<p>want to continue teaching them with SRA DI reading materials. Some parents want to make sure 
<p>that their children get farther ahead in reading. Others want to improve their child's mastery of the
<p>skills taught in Teach Your Child To Read in 100 Easy Lessons. 
<p>Teach Your Child To Read in 100 Easy Lessons moves very quickly at the end of the program 
<p>(way faster than <a href="http://tinyurl.com/2vddk5"><b>Reading&nbsp;Mastery&nbsp;Fast&nbsp;Cycle</b></a>), so many children lack fluency when they finish the program.
<p><a href="http://www.funnix.com/funnix/funnix2.cfm"><b>Funnix&nbsp;2</b></a> is a good program for teaching more advanced decoding skills and providing ample fluency practice.
<p><div class="breakout"><p><b>The Funnix 2 package provides children who have completed </p><p>Teach Your Child To Read in 100 Easy Lessons with:</b> </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p> 120 additional reading lessons, each having an original passage </p><p> that increases incrementally in difficulty, </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p> the number of words children are expected to decode, and </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p> the number of words children are expected to read. </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Funnix 2 also teaches children new strategies for decoding words.</p></div>
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<h2><a class="pbTOC" name="Supplementalwords"></a>Supplemental words</h2>
<p>Here's a <a href="/DI- suppl  word list 100 Easy lessons to Funnix 2"><b>SUPPLEMENTAL WORD LIST</b></a> and a procedure for transitioning children from the end of Teach Your Child To Read in 100 Easy Lessons into Funnix 2 (actually Lesson 101 of <a href="http://www.funnix.com/funnix/contents.cfm"><b>Funnix&nbsp;Beginning&nbsp;Reading</b></a>; the last 20 lessons of Funnix Beginning Reading are included as review lessons with the Funnix 2 package). 
<p><b>I recommend any child who has completed Teach Your Child To Read in 100 Easy Lessons..., especially those children who are struggling or not fluent, go through lessons 101 - 120 of Funnix Beginning Reading, and ALL of Funnix 2.</b>
<p>There are 56 words that appear in 
<p>lessons 101 - 120 of Funnix Beginning Reading and, 
<p>Funnix 2 that:
<p>--have not been taught in Teach Your Child To Read in 100 Easy Lessons
<p>--have been taught and mastered before lesson 101 by children starting at the beginning of the Funnix sequence.
<p>In the <a href="/DI- suppl  word list 100 Easy lessons to Funnix 2"><b>supplemental word list</b></a>, each word appears with a lesson number. Most of these words only need to be presented before the story for the lesson indicated. 
<p>However, the words for lesson 104 of Funnix Beginning Reading need to be presented before lesson 104 begins.
<p>The following examples explain the procedures indicated by the list for lessons 101, 104 and 105 of Funnix Beginning Reading:
<p>There are 6 words for lesson 101 of Funnix Beginning Reading (FBR): the words:
<p>know, robbers, sky, sneak, still, waited. 
<p>These words need to be MODELLED and TESTED BEFORE the story reading exercises begin (i.e.,before Exercise 7 of Funnix 2).
<p><a href="#" onclick="return top()">Top</a>
<h2><a class="pbTOC" name="TeacherPresentation"></a>Teacher Presentation</h2>
<p><div class="breakout"><p><b>Here's the Teacher Presentation spelled out:</b></p><p><em>Italicized</em> is teacher/parent script</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><em>(Write on paper)</em></p><p><b>know</b></p><p><b>robbers</b></p><p><b>sky</b></p><p><b>sneak</b></p><p><b>still</b></p><p><b>waited</b></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><em>(Point to <b>know</b>) This word is know. What word?</em> (student responds: know.)</p><p><em>(Point to <b>robbers</b>)  This word is robbers. What word?</em> robbers.</p><p><em>(Point to <b>sky</b>)  This word is sky. What word?</em> sky.</p><p><em>(Point to <b>sneak</b>)  This word is sneak. What word?</em> sneak.</p><p><em>(Point to <b>still</b>)  This word is still. What word?</em> still.</p><p><em>(Point to <b>waited</b>)  This word is waited. What word?</em> waited.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><em>Your turn to read each of these words again.</em></p><p>know, robbers, sky, sneak, still, waited</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>(<em>Repeat words until</em> FIRM.)</p></div>
<p>2 words need to be presented for lesson 104 of FBR: done, won't. These words
<p>need to be presented before lesson 104 of FBR begins.
<p>No words need to be presented for lesson 105.
<p><a href="#" onclick="return top()">Top</a>
<h2><a class="pbTOC" name="Notes"></a>Notes</h2>
<p>1) All students starting in the middle of the Funnix sequence must go through
<p>the Transition Exercises contained in the Transition and Review disc before
<p>beginning Funnix lessons.
<p>2) The passage for FBR Lesson 101 is not as long or as advanced as the passages
<p>at the end of Teach Your Child To Read in 100 Easy Lessons . Though the passage
<p>from FBR contains 11 new words, it is an easy passage for children to decode and
<p>to apply the new decoding strategies taught in the Transition Exercises and in
<p>FBR lesson 101. By lesson 20 of Funnix 2, the passages in the Funnix sequence
<p>surpass the passages at the end of Teach Your Child To Read in 100 Easy Lessons
<p>in length and difficulty.
<p>I hope this helps people who are looking for something after Teach Your Child
<p>To Read in 100 Easy Lessons
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