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<p>Intraverbal Carrier Phrases or FFCs (updated10-02)
<p>Originally from: <a href="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DTT-NET/"><b>DTT-NET&nbsp;Yahoo&nbsp;Group</b></a>
<p><font color="red">Please note that these are <em>ideas</em> but not prescription. Please pick functional targets based assessment and consultation with consultant</font> 
<p>Other ideas for targets can be found in
<p>$ <a href="http://www.behavioranalysts.com/products/products_6.html"><b>ABLLS-R&nbsp;(appendices)</b></a>
<p>$ <a href="http://www.difflearn.com/prodinfo.asp?number=DRB%20090&top=2"><b>Language&nbsp;Targets&nbsp;to&nbsp;Teach&nbsp;A&nbsp;Child&nbsp;to&nbsp;Communicate</b></a>, Diana Luckevich.
<p><big><b><P class=PT><FONT class=PT><A name=TOP></A><A href="#A">A</A> <span class="box"> <A href="#B">B</A> </span><A href="#C">C</A> <span class="box"><A href="#D">D</A> </span> <A href="#E">E</A> <span class="box"> <A href="#F">F</A> </span> <A href="#G">G</A> <span class="box"> <A href="#H">H</A> </span> <A href="#I">I</A> <span class="box"> <A href="#J">J</A> </span> <A href="#K">K</A> <span class="box"> <A href="#L">L</A> </span> <A href="#M">M</A> <span class="box"> <A href="#N">N</A> </span> <A href="#O">O</A> <span class="box"> <A href="#P">P</A> </span> <A href="#Q">Q</A> <span class="box"> <A href="#R">R</A> </span> <A href="#S">S</A> <span class="box"> <A href="#T">T</A> </span> <A href="#U">U</A> <span class="box"> <A href="#V">V</A> </span> <A href="#W">W</A> <span class="box"> <A href="#X">X</A> </span> <A href="#Y">Y</A> | <A href="#Z">Z</A><p></FONT></b></big>
<p><H3><A name=A></A><FONT class=PT>A</FONT></H3>
<p>Vehicle, flies in the air, has wings, big, takes you to other towns, lands at the airport
<p><b>Airplane Pilot</b>
<p>Flies an airplane, wears a hat, talks to the air traffic controllers
<p>Where airplanes land, where pilots work, place you go to go on vacation, has terminals, has gates
<p>Animal, reptile, has sharp teeth, lives in swamp, has rough skin
<p>Has a siren, takes you to the hospital, comes when you call 911, ride in it, vehicle
<p>Lives in an ant hill, bites you, lives outside, bug, steals your picnic food
<p>Has stem, has seeds, fruit, eat it, food, has red/green skin 
<p>Mermaid, lives under the sea, loves Prince Erik, Father is King Triton
<p>White, round, small, swallow it, chew it, makes you feel better, medicine, take it when you’re sick, take it when you have a headache
<p><a href="#" onclick="return top()">Top</a>><hr align="left" class="wiki"/>
<p><H3><A name=B></A><FONT class=PT>B</FONT></H3>
<p><a href="/ "> </a> 
<p>Little, sleeps in crib, wears diapers, eats baby food, cries a lot, person
<p>Put books in it, carry it on your back, take it to school, hang in the closet at school, has straps, has zippers
<p>Food, eat for breakfast, brown, crunchy, greasy, cook it on the stove
<p>Made of paper/cloth, put stuff in it, carries groceries/toys/etc.
<p>Round, has a hole in the middle, put cream cheese on it, eat it for breakfast, food
<p>Round, kick, roll, throw, catch, throw, toy, filled with air
<p>Has air in it, round, you blow it up, it floats in the air, at birthday parties
<p>Yellow, fruit, eat it, monkey eats it, peel it, yellow, long
<p>Sticky, put it on a boo boo, keep it in the bathroom, use it when you get a cut
<p><b>Barnyard Bingo</b>
<p>Has animal disks, game that looks like a barn
<p>White, round, throw it, catch it, hit it with a bat, toy
<p><b>Baseball Mitt</b>
<p>Catch baseballs with it, brown, toy, baseball players use it
<p>Round, has lines around it, bouncy, play with it, shoot baskets with it, 
<p>Toy, doll, girls play with it, play dress up with
<p>Made of wood, long, handle, hit balls, use it in baseball, toy/sports equipment
<p><b>Bathing suit</b>
<p>Clothing, wear in the pool, wear when you swim, boys-has a string, has 
<p>pockets, girls-has straps
<p>Where the potty/toilet is, where you take a bath, room in the house,where you find the toothbrush/toothpaste/other relevant personal item 
<p>Has a faucet, has a drain, take a bath in it, fill it with water, where you go to get clean, in the bathroom
<p>Where you build sand castles, ocean is there, ride the car to get there, play in the sand
<p>Lives in a big blue house, friends with Ojo, likes to sing and dance
<p>Has blankets, pillows, sheets, and mattress, sleep on it, in your bedroom, where you go at night, where you go when you’re tired, furniture
<p>Has a bed, closet, nightstand, where you go to sleep
<p>Yellow and black, has wings, has stinger, buzzes, insect/bug, lives in a hive, makes honey
<p>Made of leather, has buckle, holds your pants up, clothing
<p>In Beauty and the Beast, has a yellow dress, her dad is an inventor
<p>Ride, pedal, has handle bars, has tires, has two wheels, has a seat
<p><b>Bike helmet</b>
<p>Wear on your head, protects your head, wear when you ride your bike, wear 
<p>when you rollerblade, has a strap
<p>Animal, flies, chirps, has feathers, lives in a nest, has wings
<p><b>Birthday Party</b>
<p>Where you get presents, has cake and ice cream, play games, has balloons
<p>Keeps you warm, on your bed, made of cloth
<p>Appliance, in the kitchen, makes smoothies, has a glass/plastic pitcher, 
<p>goes fast and slow
<p>Has lots of movies, where you go to rent movies, where you go to rent games
<p>Toys, build with them, different shapes. Made of wood/plastic, keep them in playroom, at school
<p><b>Blue (from Blue’s Clues)</b>
<p>Dog, Friends with Magenta, Plays with Steve and Joe, helps Steve and Joe figure out clues
<p>Floats on water, take a ride on it, vehicle, go fishing on it, has a motor
<p><b>Bob the Builder</b>
<p>Says Yes we can, builds things, wears a yellow hat, has a tool belt, friends with Scoop and Rolley
<p>Has a cover, has pages of words & pictures, read it, made of paper, found 
<p>at a library
<p>Store, buy books, has lots of books,
<p>Dish, round, use when you eat, put cereal in it, found in kitchen
<p>Made of metal, wear on your wrist, has a clasp, jewelry
<p>White and brown, has crust, eat it, use it to make a sandwich, use it to make     toast/French   toast, food
<p>Food, vegetable, eat it, cook it, green, grows in garden
<p>Has a handle, has bristles, sweeps up dirt, cleans the floor
<p>Food, eat it, dessert, brown, bake them
<p>Use on your hair, fixes your hair, has a handle, has bristles
<p>Soapy, has a wand, blow bubbles with it
<p><b>Bubble bath</b>
<p>Comes in a bottle, pour it in the bathtub, makes bubbles, smells good
<p>Has six legs, has eyes, has wings, lives outside,insect
<p><b>Burger King</b>
<p>Restaurant, where you get a hamburger, where you get French fries, has a 
<p>Yellow, comes in a wrapper, put on food, buy at the grocery store, put it on bread
<p>Has wings, antennae, flies in the air, is pretty, insect/bug
<p><b>Buzz Lightyear</b>
<p>Woody’s friend, in toy story, is a space ranger, says “To infinity and beyond”
<p>Holds sand, holds water, play with at the beach, has a handle
<p><a href="#" onclick="return top()">Top</a>><hr align="left" class="wiki"/>
<p><H3><A name=C></A><FONT class=PT>C</FONT></H3>
<p>Sweet food, eat a birthday parties, put frosting on it, put candles on it, 
<p>comes in slices/pieces
<p><b>Cake pan</b>
<p>In the kitchen, kitchen utensil, pour cake batter in it, bake cakes in it, 
<p>put in the oven
<p>Has months, days, dates, tells you the date, hang it on the wall
<p>Takes pictures, uses film, has buttons, has a lens, uses a battery
<p>Sweet, food, snack, sticky, get it at Halloween
<p>Board game, has a Molasses swamp, win if you get to Queen Frostine first, can play with friends
<p><b>Candy bar</b>
<p>Covered with chocolate, shaped like a rectangle, sweet, comes in a wrapper, eat it, food
<p><b>Can opener</b>
<p>Appliance, opens cans, has a sharp blade, in the kitchen
<p>Has a wick, made of wax, burn it, makes light, put it on a birthday cake, use it when the lights go out
<p>Ride in, vehicle, has (four) wheels, horn, seat belts, goes fast, has steering wheel
<p>Says meow, animal, purrs, kitten, has 4 legs/paws, is a pet, has whiskers, pet it, furry, drinks milk, eats cat food
<p>Put in the CD player, put in the computer, round and flat, plays music, 
<p>plays games
<p><b>Ceiling fan</b>
<p>Hangs from ceiling, has blades, turn on, turn off, keeps you cool, turns around
<p>Food, crunchy, put in a bowl, pour milk on it, eat with a spoon, eat for 
<p>You sit in it, made of wood or plastic, has a back, furniture, at the table, has legs
<p>White, use on the chalkboard, teacher writes with it, long, writing utensil
<p>Teacher writes on it, use chalk on it, black/green, in the classroom
<p>Keep it in the fridge, get it at the grocery store, put it on sandwiches/pizza/etc, is food
<p>Has feathers, has beak, has wings, lives on a farm, animal, says “bawk bawk”
<p><b>Chicken nuggets</b>
<p>Round, get at <a class="WikiLink" id="p-c1746fd52286e0e34bccc22a36f1e706198c3f31" href="/McDonalds">McDonalds</a>/Burger King/Wendy's, eat with barbeque sauce, food, eat for dinner/lunch/snack
<p>Salty food, made from potato, crispy, come in a bag, eat it for a 
<p>snack/with lunch
<p>Get presents, Christmas tree, stockings, Santa Claus, holiday in December
<p><b>Christmas tree</b>
<p>Put ornaments on it, put lights on it, put presents under it, plant, green, 
<p><b>Chuck E Cheese</b>
<p>Where you get pizza, restaurant, wear Chuck E Cheese lives
<p>Restaurant, where you get pizza, has video games
<p>Married to a Prince, Lost her glass slipper, Stars in Cinderella, Lives in a castle, see her at Disney World/Land
<p>Wear you see clowns/elephants/etc. see tigers doing tricks, get your face painted there, 
<p>Tells time, has two hands, is round (usually)
<p>Big red dog, Owner is Emily-Elizabeth, on PBS, 
<p>In your bedroom, where you put your shoes, where you hang your shirts, 
<p>where you hang your pants, has clothes in it, has doors, room
<p>White, fluffy, in the sky, where rain comes from
<p>Has buttons, collar, wear it when it’s cold, hang it in the closet, clothing
<p><b>Coffee maker</b>
<p>Appliance, makes coffee, gets hot, put coffee in it, turn on and off, made 
<p>of metal and plastic, has buttons, has a clock
<p><b>Coke (soda)</b>
<p>Drink from a can, has bubbles, pour from a can, is brown, drink
<p>Use on your hair, fixes your hair, has teeth, made of plastic
<p>Found in office, has a mouse, turn it on, play games on it, type on it, keyboard, toy
<p>Food, eat it, sweet, snack, found in the pantry, eat it with milk, has chocolate chips
<p><b>Cookie cutters</b>
<p>Use when you bake cookies, different shapes, cut dough, kitchen utensil
<p><b>Cookie sheet</b>
<p>Bake cookies on it, made of metal, flat, put in the oven, bake ware, kitchen 
<p>Has pillows, soft, sit on it, lay on it, in the TV room, furniture
<p>In the kitchen, put toaster on it, put blender on it, flat, hard, made of 
<p>____, wipe off with dishrag
<p>Has tail, has udders, makes milk, lives on a farm, says “moo”, animal
<p>Shaped like a square/rectangle, salty, eat for a snack, food
<p>Made of wax, comes in different colors, color with it, use in coloring 
<p>books, sharpen it
<p><b>Cream cheese</b>
<p>White, keep it in the fridge, spread it with a knife, put it on a bagel, food, eat it
<p>Has railings, mattress, sheets, mobile, in a babys room, babies sleep in it, furniture
<p>Pour drink into, find in a kitchen, has a handle
<p>In the kitchen, holds dishes, holds glasses/cups, above the countertop, 
<p>where clean dishes go
<p>Has frosting, sprinkles, wrapper, eat it at birthday parties, food
<p>Made of fabric, hang on the window, block out the sun, make the room dark
<p><a href="#" onclick="return top()">Top</a><hr align="left" class="wiki"/>
<p><H3><A name=D></A><FONT class=PT>D</FONT></H3>
<p>Has sharp teeth, 4 legs, scaly skin, lived a long time ago, animal
<p>Outside, brown, gets you dirty
<p>In the kitchen, wipe counters with it, wipe dishes with it, made of cloth
<p>In the kitchen, washes dishes, appliance, has a door, has two racks, uses 
<p>dishwashing soap
<p><b>Disney World/Land</b>
<p>Where Mickey Mouse lives, has lots of rides, see Pooh, Woody, etc
<p><b>Dental floss</b>
<p>White, comes in a box, get it at the dentist, use it to clean between your teeth, get it at the dentist’s office
<p>Cleans your teeth, uses dental floss, has a dental assistant
<p><b>Dentist’s (office)</b>
<p>Where you go to get your teeth clean, where the dentist works
<p>Furniture at school, sit at it, do schoolwork at it, made of metal and wood, has 4 legs
<p>Gives you a check-up, asks you to stick out your tongue and say "ahhh", wears a stethoscope,
<p><b>Doctor’s (office)</b>
<p>Where you go when you’re sick, where you go to get a shot, where you go to get medicine, where the doctor works
<p>Animal, pet it, barks, furry, likes to run, eats bones, puppy, says woof
<p><b>Donald Duck</b>
<p>Duck that lives at Disney World/Land, wears a red bow tie, friends with Daisy
<p>Open it, close it, knock on it, use a key to open it, has a doorknob, (has windows), has a 
<p>Round, has a hole in it, tastes sweet, eat it for breakfast, is a food
<p><b>Dr. Seuss</b>
<p>Writes books, wrote Cat and the Hat/Green Eggs and Ham, wears a red and black hat
<p>In your dresser, in a desk, holds _____, opens and closes
<p><b>Dryer (clothes)</b>
<p>Has dials, heats up, in the laundry room, put wet clothes in it, appliance
<p>Has feathers, a bill, webbed feet, says quack quack, swims in the pond, animal, bird		
<p><a href="#" onclick="return top()">Top</a><hr align="left" class="wiki"/>
<p><H3><A name=E></A><FONT class=PT>E</FONT></H3>
<p>jewelery, for girls, wear in your ears, wear when you have your ears pierced
<p>body part, Have two, hear with them, on your head
<p><b>Easter Bunny</b>
<p>Comes at Easter, leaves you Easter Eggs, leaves you an Easter basket, has a white cotton tail, hops down the bunny lane
<p><b>Easter egg</b>
<p>Shaped like an oval, dye it, hide them, Easter bunny brings them, eat them, put them in your Easter basket
<p>Shaped like an oval, white, has shell, yolk, makes scrambled eggs/fried egg/hard boiled   egg, eat for breakfast, food
<p>(big) animal, has a trunk/tail/tusks, lives in the zoo/jungle,
<p>Has door, has buttons, goes up and down, takes you to different floors
<p>Red, furry, laughs when you tickle him, lives on Sesame Street
<p>Made of paper, put a stamp on it, put card in it, put letter in it, send it in the mail
<p>On the end of the pencil, erases pencil marks, pink, use on paper, school 
<p>Has stairs that move, ride it up and down, at the mall
<p>Grey donkey, friends with Pooh, hold his tail in with a nail
<p>Two of them, see with, blink with them, “color”
<p><a href="#" onclick="return top()">Top</a><hr align="left" class="wiki"/>
<p><H3><A name=F></A><FONT class=PT>F</FONT></H3>
<p>Season, leaves fall of the trees, starts on Sept 23rd, sometimes called autumn, when you celebrate Halloween
<p>Where a farmer lives, has animals, has a barn, in the country, has a tractor, where food is grown
<p>Made of wood/metal, goes around the yard, keeps the dogs in, has a gate
<p><b>Ferris wheel</b>
<p>Has seats, goes around in a circle, ride on it, at the fair
<p>Has toes, toenails, heel, body part, at the end of your leg
<p>Orange and yellow, hot, dangerous, makes smoke, makes ashes
<p>Puts out fires, rides in a firetruck, wears a fire hat, works at a fire station
<p><b>Fire truck</b>
<p>Vehicle, firemen drive it, has a siren, has a ladder, has red lights
<p>Animal, swims in water, has gills, has scales, has a tail, fisherman catch 
<p>them, eat them, keep in a fish bow/tank
<p>Has batteries, lightbulb, on/off button, use it when the lights go out, makes light
<p>Plant, pretty, water it, grows outside, smells good
<p>Made of metal/plastic, eat with it, has a handle, has prongs, utensil/silverware
<p><b>French fries</b>
<p>Food you get at BK/McD/Whataburger,  put ketchup on them, eat with 
<p>hamburgers, made from potatoes
<p>Green, 4 legs, slimy, jumps, eats bugs, lives in a pond, animal
<p><b>Frosty the Snowman</b>
<p>Snowman in Frosty, has a corncob pipe, button nose
<p><b>Fruit snacks</b>
<p>Shaped like animals/dinosaurs/etc, made from fruit, taste sweet, chewy, come in a bag, snack, food
<p><b>Fruit roll ups</b>
<p>Snack food, tastes like fruit, comes in a roll
<p><b>Frying Pan</b>
<p>Fry food in it, find in the kitchen, household item
<p><a href="#" onclick="return top()">Top</a><hr align="left" class="wiki"/>
<p><H3><A name=G></A><FONT class=PT>G</FONT></H3>
<p>Where the cars/bikes/lawnmower/etc. go, room in the house, has a garage door opener
<p><b>Garage door opener</b>
<p>Opens/closes the garage, is in the car, has a button
<p><b>Garbage Man</b>
<p>Picks up the garbage, rides on the back of a truck, takes your garbage to a dump
<p><b>Garbage truck</b> 
<p>Garbage man work on it, picks up the garbage, vehicle
<p><b>Gas Station</b>
<p>Has gas pumps, car wash, can buy snacks, gas station attendant, get gas there, Texaco/Shell/Chevron/etc.
<p><b>Gift (present)</b>
<p>Get a birthday, has a bow, unwrap, comes in a box, suprise
<p>Yellow and brown, has a long neck, tall, animal, in the zoo
<p>Wear on your eyes, made of glass and metal, help you to see better
<p>Round, shows the continents, shows the oceans, in the classroom, has a stand
<p>White, sticks things together, comes in a bottle, sticky, school supply
<p>Wear on your hands, keeps your hands warm, comes in pairs, soft
<p><b>Glue stick</b>
<p>comes in a tube, white, sticky, sticks things together, school supply
<p>A dog that lives at Disney World, friends with Mickey and Minnie, has big ears, wears a orange shirt and green vest
<p>Have eye pieces, have a strap, wear around your eyes, wear when you go swimming, keep water out of your eyes, help you see underwater
<p>Come in bunches, have stems, shaped like oval, eat for snack, fruit, food
<p>Green, mow/cut it, grows in the yard, blades, plant
<p><b>Green beans</b>
<p>Green, put salt/butter/pepper on them, vegetable, something you eat with dinner, food
<p><b>Greeting card</b>
<p>Send with presents, made of paper, write messages in it, give for 
<p>birthdays, give for holidays
<p>Gets hot, cooks hamburgers, outside in the backyard, uses gas/charcoal
<p>Has strings, made of wood, makes music, play it, musical instrument
<p><b>Grocery cart</b>
<p>Made of metal, sit in it, put groceries in it, push it, use it at the grocery cart, has wheels
<p><b>Grocery store</b>
<p>Store, Kroger, Randall's, where you buy food, where you buy <span style="text-decoration:underline;">___</span>
<p>Chew it, blow bubbles with it, pink, chewy, sticky
<p><a href="#" onclick="return top()">Top</a><hr align="left" class="wiki"/>
<p><H3><A name=H></A><FONT class=PT>H</FONT></H3>
<p>On your head, brush it, wash it with shampoo, put it in a ponytail
<p>Get candy, go trick-or-treating, wear costumes, on October 31st, holiday
<p>Food, eat it, get it at Burger King, cook it on grill, round, put ketchup 
<p>on it, put mustard on it
<p>Tool, made of metal and wood, hit nails with it, build with it, has a long 
<p>Use in the closet, hang shirts/pants/jackets on them,  made of wire, made 
<p>of plastic
<p>Wear it on your head, protects your head, keeps the sun out of your eyes, clothing
<p>Cover your ears, has cord, listen to music on them, plug in to the stereo/computer/tape player
<p>Has propellers, pilot flies it, takes you places
<p>Is long and skinny, hook it up to the faucet, sprays water, waters the lawn
<p>Where you go when you’re really sick, where the doctor works, where the nurse works, where ambulances go
<p><b>Hot dog</b>
<p>Food, eat it, cook on grill, put mustard on it, has a wiener, put catsup on 
<p>Has lots of rooms, where you stay when you are out of town, has a pool
<p><b>Hot sauce/Salsa</b>
<p>Red, spicy, eat it with chips, get it at Mexican restaurants, food
<p>Where you live, has a roof, has windows, has a door, Building, people live in it, made of brick & wood, has lots of rooms, construction workers build it 
<p><b>Hungry Hungry Hippos</b>
<p>Game, you play it, has marbles, toy, has 4 hippos
<p><a href="#" onclick="return top()">Top</a><hr align="left" class="wiki"/>
<p><H3><A name=I></A><FONT class=PT>I</FONT></H3>
<p>Cold, shaped like a rectangle, keep in the freezer, made from water, comes from the ice maker/ice cube tray, melts, keeps things cold
<p><b>Ice Cream</b>
<p>Cold, eat with spoon, eat from a bowl/cone, different flavors, keep in the freezer, get at Baskin Robbins/Marble Slab/etc, sweet, food, dessert
<p>Put it on cake/cupcakes, sweet, eat it, use it to decorate
<p><b>Ice Cream cone</b>
<p>Holds ice cream, hard, crunchy 
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<p><H3><A name=J></A><FONT class=PT>J</FONT></H3>
<p>Wear them on your legs, blue, have a zipper, have a button, wear them when its cold, clothing
<p>Cold, jiggly, eat it, dessert, food, tastes like lime/lemon/cherry/etc.
<p>Put it on sandwiches, tastes sweet, sticky, spread it with a knife
<p>Drink it, keep in the refrigerator, pour in a cup, made from fruit, sweet 
<p>drink, drink when you're thirsty, made from apples/grapes/oranges/etc.
<p><a href="#" onclick="return top()">Top</a><hr align="left" class="wiki"/>
<p><H3><A name=K></A><FONT class=PT>K</FONT></H3>
<p>Jumps, has a pouch, keeps its baby in the pouch, animal, Kanga and Roo
<p>Red, comes in a bottle, eat with French fries/hamburger/etc, pour it, something you put on food
<p>Unlocks doors, starts the car, on a ring, made of metal
<p>Has the fridge, stove, oven, microwave, dishwasher, where you go to make food, where you go to eat, room in the house
<p>Green and brown, has little black seeds, fuzzy on the outside, tastes sweet, fruit, eat it, food
<p>White, made from paper, come in a box, wipe your nose with it, use it when you sneeze
<p>Has a handle, has a blade, cuts, kitchen utensil
<p><a href="#" onclick="return top()">Top</a><hr align="left" class="wiki"/>
<p><H3><A name=L></A><FONT class=PT>L</FONT></H3>
<p>Has black and red spots, flies, is an insect
<p>Has rungs, climb it, helps you get to high places, keep it in the garage
<p>Has water, go skiing, takes vacations there, brown water
<p>Laundry room  
<p>Has a washing machine, has a dryer, where you wash the clothes, room in the house
<p>Cuts the grass, has a blade, has a handle, uses gas, mows
<p>Grows on a tree, change colors, fall on to the ground, rake them up
<p>Put it around the dog’s neck, use it on a walk, keeps the dog with you, hook it on to the collar
<p>Build with them, come in different colors, snap together, play with them at home/school, toy
<p>Yellow, makes lemonade, sour, eat it, fruit, food
<p>Tastes like lemons, sweet, drink it, pour it in a cup, drink when it’s hot
<p>Green, has leaves, makes salads, put it on sandwiches, eat it, vegetable
<p>Place in school, filled with books, where the Librarian works, where you 
<p>check out books
<p>Life jacket
<p>Wear it on a boat, helps you float, protects you, has straps, like a jacket
<p>In the sky, white/yellow, see it when it storms, see it when you hear thunder
<p>Has a mane, yellow, at the zoo, in the jungle, roars, animal
<p>Furniture, has a switch to turn on and off, has a light bulb, makes light, 
<p>plug it in
<p>Where you keep books at school, has a lock, uses a combination, has a 
<p>handle, in the hallway
<p>Has a stick, lick it, sticky, candy
<p>Comes in a bottle, smells good, put it on your skin, use it when your skin is dry
<p><a href="#" onclick="return top()">Top</a><hr align="left" class="wiki"/>
<p><H3><A name=M></A><FONT class=PT>M</FONT></H3>
<p>Read it, has pictures, has stories, has pages, comes in the mail
<p>In the front yard, where the mail goes, has a flag, opens and closes
<p>Delivers mail, rides in a mail truck, carries a mail bag
<p>Has stores, buy clothes at it, any other things the child does at the mall
<p>Truck a mailman drives in, blue and white, 
<p>Tells you where to go, has streets/cities/etc., use it when you get lost
<p>Round, small, rolls, use it in games
<p>Different colors, draw with them, have ink
<p>White, soft and fluffy, eat them, food, put it hot chocolate/etc
<p>Made from wood, strike them, make fire, dangerous
<p><a class="WikiLink" id="p-7418e1a06d9018487aebefd9eb2969e1ca925acb" href="/McDonald">McDonald</a>’s
<p>Restaurant, get French fries, get hamburger, has a playground, Ronald 
<p><a class="WikiLink" id="p-7418e1a06d9018487aebefd9eb2969e1ca925acb" href="/McDonald">McDonald</a>
<p>Measuring cups/spoons
<p>In the kitchen, measures, use when baking/cooking,  kitchen utensil
<p>Get from the doctor, makes you feel better, drink it, mommy gives it to you
<p>Merry go round
<p>Has seats, goes round and round, ride on it, at the fair
<p>Has a cord, has a speaker, plug it in to the stereo, talk into it, makes you talk loud
<p>Found in the kitchen, has a door & buttons, shows the time, cook food in, appliance, heats  food up, has buttons, has a clock on it, cooks food fast
<p>Mickey Mouse
<p>Has big ears, lives at Disney World/Land, is friend with Minnie Mouse, Wears red pant and black shoes
<p>Minnie Mouse
<p>Friend with Mickey Mouse, Wears red and white polka dotted dress, lives at Disney World/Land
<p>Comes from cows, pour it, drink it, white, cold, kept in refrigerator
<p>In the bathroom, look in it, can see yourself in it, is flat
<p>Clothing, wear on your hands, keep your hands warm, made from yarn
<p>Appliance, mixes cookie dough, mixes cake batter, has beaters, in the 
<p>Made of paper, buy stuff with it, shaped like rectangle, has numbers on it
<p>Made of metal, round, buy stuff with it, count it, jingles
<p>Has brown fur, eats bananas, lives in the zoo/jungle, says “oo-oo”, animal
<p>In the sky, white, see it at night, cow jumps over it
<p>Vehicle, Mom and Dad ride, has two wheels, has a motor, has handlebars, 
<p>uses gas
<p>Has a long tail, eats cheese, small, says “squeak squeak”
<p>Has lips, on your face, eat with it, talk with it, smile with it, body part
<p>Watch it, is black, shaped like a rectangle, put it in the VCR, watch it on the TV
<p>Movie Theatre
<p>Has movie screens, popcorn, candy, buy tickets, watch movies
<p>Mr. Mouth
<p>Game, has bugs, uses batteries, has 4 hands, turn on and off
<p>Mr. Potato Head
<p>Has eyes/nose/ears/arms/shoes, looks like a potato, toy
<p>Yellow, put it on sandwiches, spread it with a knife, food, eat it
<p><a href="#" onclick="return top()">Top</a><hr align="left" class="wiki"/>
<p><H3><A name=N></A><FONT class=PT>N</FONT></H3>
<p>Made of metal, gray/silver, has a head, has a point, sharp, hit it with a hammer, makes   things stick together
<p><b>Nail clippers</b>
<p>Made of metal, sharp, use to cut your toenails, cut your fingernails
<p><b>Nail polish</b> 
<p>Comes in different colors, has a bottle, brush, put it on your fingernails, girls wear it
<p>Made of cloth/paper, wipe your mouth with it, shaped like a 
<p>rectangle/square, use when you eat
<p>Wear it around your neck, has a clasp, jewelry
<p>Made of branches and twigs, in a tree, where birds live
<p>Black and white, has pictures, has stories, read it
<p>Has contollers, has a cord, play games on it, use it with the TV, toy
<p>Has nostrils, on your face, smell with it,  body part
<p>Made of paper, has a cover, write in it, has a spiral, school supply
<p><a href="#" onclick="return top()">Top</a><hr align="left" class="wiki"/>
<p><H3><A name=O></A><FONT class=PT>O</FONT></H3>
<p>Has water, has fish, has sharks, has jellyfish, has waves, swim in it, by the beach
<p>Has 8 legs, has suckers on its leg, lives in the ocean, squirts ink, animal
<p>Round, juicy, orange, eat it, squeeze juice from it, fruit
<p>Has feather, wings, lives in a tree, flies in the air, says “whoo-whoo”, goes out at night
<p>In the kitchen, has a door, has a clock, cook food in it, gets hot, appliance
<p><a href="#" onclick="return top()">Top</a><hr align="left" class="wiki"/>
<p><H3><A name=P></A><FONT class=PT>P</FONT></H3>
<p>Round, put syrup in it, eat it for breakfast, food
<p>Clothing, wear them, put on your legs, hangs in the closet, has a zipper, wear with a belt
<p>Use with paintbrush, different colors, paint with them, wet
<p>Has a handle, has bristles, use to paint, use in art
<p>Clothing, wear in your bed, have a shirt and shorts/pants, nightgown, wear 
<p>when you sleep
<p>Comes from trees, write on it, has lines, do schoolwork on it, flat, white
<p>Paper towel  
<p>Made of paper, in the kitchen, comes on a roll, cleans up spills
<p>Has swings, has slides, has a jungle gym, where kids play, where you go to 
<p>climb, outside
<p>Green, come in a pod, food, eat them, vegetable
<p>Write with it, uses ink, long, use with paper, writing utensils, made of 
<p>Made of wood, sharpen it, has an eraser, has lead, write with it, writing 
<p>Utensil, something at school
<p>Pencil sharpener
<p>Made of metal, on the wall/desk, sharpens pencils, has a handle you turn
<p>Black, spicy, put it on food, makes you sneeze
<p>Red, round, spicy, put on pizza, eat them, food
<p>Has yellow pieces, has a timer, pops when the timer goes off, toy
<p>Peter Pan
<p>Fights captain hook, leader of the lost boys, flies, wears green boots
<p>Phone book
<p>Has phone numbers, has addresses, has names, use it to find phone numbers
<p>Has black and white keys, has pedals, makes music, play it
<p>Picture frame
<p>Has a frame, has a stand, put pictures in it
<p>Has fruit in it, has a crust, bake it in the oven, eat it, food, dessert
<p>Animal, lives on a farm, says "oink", has 4 legs, has curly tail
<p>Pooh’s best friend, very small creature
<p>On your bed, put your head on it, soft and fluffy, sleep on it                
<p>Food, has cheese, has pepperoni, is round, eat it, get from Pizza Hut, 
<p>delivery man brings it
<p>Dish, flat, round, put food on it, used for eating
<p>Toy, play with it, roll it in a ball, cut in shapes, comes in a can
<p>Mickey Mouse’s Dog, brown, big red tongue
<p>Filled with water, has a diving board, has steps, where you swim, in the 
<p>backyard/at the club
<p>Wears a uniform, drives a police car, wears a badge, has a K-9 dog
<p>Pool table
<p>Has pool balls, has sticks, covered with felt, made from wood, play pool on 
<p>it, furniture?
<p>Post office
<p>Where the mailman works, has lots of letters and packages, where you take things to mail it, building
<p>Brown, makes French fries/mashed potatoes/baked potatoes, eat them, food, vegetable
<p>Comes from corn, cook it in the microwave, put butter/salt on it, eat it, snack, food
<p>Orange, has a stem, carve it, jack-o-lantern, put a candle in it, have them at Halloween, vegetable
<p>Girls carry them, put stuff in it, has a strap, has a zipper/snap/button
<p>Has many pieces, put it together, makes a picture, toy
<p><a href="#" onclick="return top()">Top</a><hr align="left" class="wiki"/>
<p><H3><A name=Q></A><FONT class=PT>Q</FONT></H3>
<p>Use to clean your ears, has cotton, has a stick, carefully put in your ears!
<p><a href="#" onclick="return top()">Top</a><hr align="left" class="wiki"/>
<p><H3><A name=R></A><FONT class=PT>R</FONT></H3>
<p>Has a fluffy tail, has long ears, eats carrots, animal
<p>Has speakers, has a dial, listen to music on it
<p>Comes from clouds, water, makes the plants grow, makes you wet, makes puddles
<p>Made up of different colors, see it after it rains, up in the sky
<p>Clothing, wear when it rains, protects you from rain, made of plastic, has 
<p>a hood
<p>Has a handle, use it in the yard, rakes up leaves, tool
<p>Appliance, in the kitchen, keeps food cold, where (juice) goes, has a 
<p>Rudolph, has a red nose, animal, pull sleigh
<p>Changes the channel, has buttons, use with the TV, is black/gray
<p>Wear it on your finger, made of metal, jewelry
<p>Roller coaster
<p>Has rails, has cars, at the amusement park, goes high up in the air, ride
<p>Rolie Polie Olie
<p>Yellow Robot, Spot is his dog, sister is Zoe
<p>Rubber bands
<p>Stretchy, brown, holds things together, made of plastic
<p>Long, has inches, has centimeters, has feet, measures things, school supply
<p><a href="#" onclick="return top()">Top</a><hr align="left" class="wiki"/>
<p><H3><A name=S></A><FONT class=PT>S</FONT></H3>
<p>White, put it on your food, makes food taste better
<p>Brown/white, scratchy, at the beach, build sandcastles with it
<p>Sandals/Flip flops
<p>Have straps, wear on your feet, wear them in the summer, shoes/clothing
<p>Eat for lunch, peanut butter and jelly, made with bread, put lunchmeat on 
<p>it, put Mayo/mustard on it
<p>Santa Claus
<p>Wears a red suit, has a white beard, brings presents, drives a sleigh, has elves and reindeer, comes on Christmas Eve, comes down the chimney
<p>Brown, greasy, cook it on the stove, eat it for breakfast, food
<p>Has a dial, stand on it, weighs you, in the bathroom
<p>Clothing, long, made of yarn, wear around your neck
<p>Where you go to learn, where you see Mrs. Cloyse, has a cafeteria, has a 
<p>library, bus takes you home from it
<p>School bus
<p>Vehicle, ride in it, takes kids to school, yellow, lets kids off at home
<p>Have a handle, has blades, sharp, use to cut, school supply
<p>Has 2 wheels, Handle bar, push with a your foot
<p>Friends with Shaggy, brown dog, says Raroo, eats Scooby snacks
<p>Wash your hair with it, comes in a bottle, use in the shower, is a liquid, 
<p>makes bubbles, use with conditioner
<p>Friends with Scooby-Doo, rides in the mystery machine, wears a green shirt
<p>Furniture, put books on it, put games on it, made of wood
<p>Clothing, has buttons, hangs in the closet, wear it, has a collar
<p>Has a handle, use it to dig, use it outside
<p>White, covered with fluff, lives on a farm, says “baa”, animal
<p>Put them on your bed, cover up with them, keep in the linen closet
<p>Clothing, wear on your feet, wear when you go outside, protect your feet, 
<p>have laces/Velcro, put on after your socks
<p>Has medicine in it, goes in your arm, stings/hurts, get it at the doctor’s office, makes you feel better
<p>Has a shower curtain, faucet, drain, wash your hair in it, makes you clean
<p>Wash your hands in it, in the kitchen or bathroom, put dirty dishes in it, 
<p>get water from it, has a faucet, has a drain
<p>Girls wear it, wear it on your legs, has a zipper, clothing
<p>Long and skinny, wear them on your feet, use them when skiing, sports equipment
<p>Sleeping bag
<p>Has a zipper, stuffed with fluffy, sleep in it, use when you are sleeping on the floor/camping
<p>Has a ladder, has a part to slide down on, at the park, in the backyard
<p>Have a heel, wear on your feet, wear when it’s cold, keep your feet warm, clothing/shoes
<p>Has a long tongue, hisses, crawls on the ground, animal
<p>Has shoelaces/Velcro, wear on your feet, wear with socks, shoes/clothing
<p>White, cold, make snowmen with it, make snowballs with it, in winter
<p>Frosty, made of snow, melts, has a carrot nose
<p>Clothing, wear outside when it's cold, zips up
<p>Friends with the 7 dwarves, ate a bad apple, wears a red and yellow dress, stars in Snow White
<p>Use in the shower/at the sink, comes in a bar, makes you clean, wash with 
<p>it, makes bubbles, smells good
<p>Soccer ball
<p>Black and white, kick it, dribble it, juggle it, kick it into a goal, play soccer with it, toy/sports equipment
<p>Clothing, wear with shoes, keep feet warm, made from yarn/cloth, has a 
<p>heel, has a toe, come in pairs
<p>Liquid, hot, eat it with a spoon, has vegetables/noodles/etc., eat it in a bowl, food
<p>Has sauce on it, has noodles, eat with a fork
<p>Has 8 legs, makes a web, insect/bug
<p>Makes webs, wears red and black, jumps from buildings, climbs up buildings
<p>Season, First day of March 20, when flowers start to bloom, when you celebrate Easter
<p>Sponge Bob
<p>Yellow sponge, wears square pants, lives in Bikini Bottom
<p>Has a handle, eat ice cream/soup/etc with it, made of metal/plastic, silverware/something you eat with
<p>Hooks on to the hose, squirts water, waters the grass/plants, play in it
<p>Walk up them, take you upstairs, have carpet on them, in a 2 story house
<p>Uses staples, holds papers together, Made of metal, squeeze it together
<p>Plays music, has speakers, has a volume button, plays the radio
<p>Gets hot, cook food on it, found in kitchen, has burners, has knobs	
<p>Hang by the fireplace, fill with candy and toys
<p>Plastic, long, drink with it, put it in your drink
<p>Red, eat it, food, fruit
<p>Vehicle that goes underwater, looks like a tube, floats on top of the water
<p>Shaped like a rectangle, put clothes in it, take it on a trip
<p>Season, hot, starts on June 21st, celebrate July 4th, when school is out
<p>Yellow, hot, round, makes light, in the sky, see it during the daytime
<p>Have lenses, wear them on your eyes, wear them when it’s sunny, shade your eyes
<p>White, put in on your skin, put in on before you go outside, keeps your from getting a sunburn
<p>Red, fruit, has seeds
<p>Has wheels, has a seat, kids sit in it, mommy’s push it
<p>White, sweet, put it on cereal, food
<p>Made of yarn, wear it when it’s cold, wear it on your chest/arms, keeps you warm, wear it in winter, clothing
<p>Toy, found at park, found in backyard, push it, play on it
<p><a href="#" onclick="return top()">Top</a><hr align="left" class="wiki"/>
<p><H3><A name=T></A><FONT class=PT>T</FONT></H3>
<p>Has legs, made of wood, in the kitchen, eat at it, work at it, furniture
<p>Comes in a shell, food, get at taco bell, crunchy
<p>On a roll, keeps things together, see-through, use when you wrap presents
<p><b>Tape recorder</b>
<p>Has buttons, put tape in it, makes music, toy
<p>White, in your mouth, chew with them, brush them (with toothbrush)
<p>Talk on it, answer it, has buttons, has a cord, rings, use it to call people
<p><b>Tennis Ball</b>
<p>Yellow, round, hit it with tennis racket, bounces, toy/sports equipment
<p>Has a door, has windows, has a zipper, sleep in it outside, use it when you’re camping
<p>Long and skinny, put in your mouth, takes your temperature, use it when your sick
<p><b>Thomas the Tank Engine</b>
<p>Train, on TV, blue, Percy’s friend
<p>Animal, has stripes, claws, sharp teeth, roars, lives in the jungle, runs fast
<p>Friend of Pooh, bounces, jump, orange and black, in the Tigger movie
<p>appliance, put bread in it, toasts bread/bagel, has a plug, gets hot
<p>White, found in bathroom, go pee in it, go poop in it, flush it
<p><b>Toilet paper</b>
<p>Wipe yourself with it, made of paper, on a roll, shaped like a circle, by 
<p>the toilet
<p>Round, red, put it on sandwiches, fruit
<p>Has handle, bristles, cleans your teeth, put toothpaste on it, keep it in the        bathroom
<p>Put on your toothbrush, makes your teeth clean, tastes like____, comes in a 
<p><b>Tooth Fairy</b>
<p>Gives you money for your teeth, comes when you are sleeping, drops fairy dust on you
<p><b>Toy store</b>
<p>Store, buy toys, buy games
<p>Dries you off, use after a shower/bath, soft and fluffy, made of cloth
<p>Runs on tracks, says "choo-choo", has a conductor/engineer, takes people places, vehicle, has a caboose
<p><b>Training wheels</b>
<p>Have wheels, go on your bike, help you to ride better
<p>Has railing, jump on it, bouncy, in the backyard
<p>Where trash goes, has a bag, has a lid, where garbage goes, where you throw 
<p>things away
<p>Grows outside, has branches, has leaves, gives us a shade, has a trunk, has bark,    plant, has roots, green and brown, has pinecones
<p>Has feathers, has wings, has a gobbler, says “gobble gobble”, bird, eat it   for Thanksgiving, lives on farm, animal/food
<p>Has a shell, has 4 legs, has a tail, lays eggs, lives near the water, animal
<p>Has a screen, has a plug, uses a remote, watch shows/movies on it
<p><a href="#" onclick="return top()">Top</a><hr align="left" class="wiki"/>
<p><H3><A name=U></A><FONT class=PT>U</FONT></H3>
<p>Has a handle, has a frame, open and close it, keeps you dry, use it when it rains
<p>Clothing, wear under your clothes, wear on your bottom
<p><a href="#" onclick="return top()">Top</a><hr align="left" class="wiki"/>
<p><H3><A name=V></A><FONT class=PT>V</FONT></H3>
<p>Cleans dirt from carpet, plug it in, push & pull it, loud, has a bag on it
<p><b>Valentine’s Day</b>
<p>Holiday when you see hearts, get valentine cards, have a party at school 
<p>Put flowers in it, put water in it, made of glass
<p>Plays movies, rewinds movies, fast forwards movies, has buttons, has a 
<p>clock, use with a TV
<p>Toy, look thru it, shows your pictures
<p><a href="#" onclick="return top()">Top</a><hr align="left" class="wiki"/>
<p><H3><A name=W></A><FONT class=PT>W</FONT></H3>
<p>Eat it for breakfast, food, put syrup on it, put butter on it
<p>Toy, pull it, put stuff in it, ride in it, has 4 wheels
<p>Use in the bathtub/shower, clean yourself with it, use with soap, cleans your body
<p><b>Washing machine</b>
<p>Has dials, put detergent in it, put dirty clothes in it, in the laundry room, appliance
<p>Has a face, has hands, wear it on your wrist, tells you the time, jewelry, uses   batteries 
<p>Get at the sink, wash hands in it, take a bath in it, swim in it, boats 
<p>float on it, fish swim in it, wet, drink it
<p><b>Water Balloon</b>
<p>Fill with water, throw at people, get wet when burst on you
<p>Red on inside and green on outside, has black seeds, eat it, fruit, messy
<p>Has a handle, has 2 wheels, put stuff in it, use it outside to carry things
<p><b>Winnie the Pooh</b>
<p>Bear, full of fluff, in movies, friend with Tigger
<p>Season, starts to snow, when you celebrate Christmas, starts on Dec 21st
<p><b>Woody (Toy Story)</b>
<p>Wears a hat, friends with Buzz Lightyear, Has a horse named Bullseye, in Toy Store 
<p><b>Wrapping paper</b>
<p>Made of paper, put around presents, held together with tape, cut with 
<p><a href="#" onclick="return top()">Top</a><hr align="left" class="wiki"/>
<p><H3><A name=Y></A><FONT class=PT>Y</FONT></H3>
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<p><H3><A name=Z></A><FONT class=PT>Z</FONT></H3>
<p>Black and white, has stripes, lives in the zoo, animal
<p>On your pants, closes things up, on jacket
<p>Where you see lions, tigers, elephants, etc., where the zookeeper works
<p><b>Zoo Keeper</b>
<p>Works at the zoo, takes care of the animals, feeds the animals
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